Sunday, March 18, 2012

“How the Goodwife Taught her Daughter

“How the Goodwife Taught her Daughter” by George Shuffelton 104-110, in this tale, a mother teaches her daughter to understand how to act in the merchant class, to understand different responsibilities depending on the class's level. This tale described that when a family is considered to be wealthy,and if daughters and wives are seen selling goods in the market, it can put in trial their status. In the other hand, lower class merchant families might encourage the females to go out to market. It also describes when the mother told her daughter, that men will not offer favors for free and that women should look out for this. Women were taught that favors from men were seemed as actions that can brought bad consequences for the women. “Also, for covetousness gifts beware to take;/ unless thou know why else, quickly them forsake;/ For with gifts May men soon women overcome;/ Though they were as true as steel or as stone. /Bound forsooth is she that if any man takes fee,” (“How the Goodwife Taught her Daughter” by George Shuffelton 104-110). In this tale, mother tells her daughter that men will not offer favors for free and that women should look out for this A perfect example could be the wife from the Shipman’s tale. When the monk delightedly promised to bring her the money when she asked, "Lend me this sum, or els. must I die! Daun John, I say, lend me these hundred franks!,” Canterbury Tale, Line 196-03. She freely offered sexual favors in exchange, “If that you list to do what I you pray;/for at a certain day I will you pay./And do to you what pleasance and service,” (Canterbury Tale, Line 204-10. ) .“That for thise hundred frankes he sholde al nyght/Have hire in his armes bolt upright;/ And this accord parfourned was in dede,” (Canterbury Tale, Line 315-17). In this case, women are truly portrayed as an object of lust, without value and self-esteem. The mother wanted to prevent her daughter from acting like the Shipman’s tale wife.

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